Jo takes on the Thames Path Challenge

Gripsure’s Office Manager Jo recently took on the Thames Path Challenge to raise money and awareness for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS).

Jo, alongside her husband and a group of friends, walked a staggering 100km (62 miles) in 28 hours non-stop. Raising over £1,500 for Ehlers-Danlos Support UK in the process. The route started at London’s Putney Bridge stretching along the Thames riverside through the dark of night to finish at Henley the following day.

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a largely unknown condition that affects the body’s connective tissue. It can lead to regular joint dislocations and, as there is no cure, the condition can only be eased by pain management. EDS UK works to improve the quality of life for people living with EDS, raising awareness and providing support as part of a growing community.

Talking about the challenge Jo said “It was definitely the hardest challenge we have ever attempted but I feel so proud of our achievement. The generous sponsorship and messages of support kept us going through the night. A couple of days of pain and discomfort is nothing compared to what an EDS sufferer has to live with every day!